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Jan-08-16 11:09:39
Alternative OpenModelica Output Files

Dear Tom,

Thank you so much for your help. But is there any way to get these alias variables in the .CSV file?


Hello guys,

I have a question regarding the output file of my model in OMEdit. when I get the output file in .MAT form, I can see the voltage of all the pins in my model but when I get the output file in .CSV form the voltage of some pins disappears.

Do you have any idea why this happens?

I would be extremely thankful for your help.


Jan-08-16 09:53:34
Category: Developer

Hello guys,

I have a question regarding the output file of my model in OMEdit. when I get the output file in .MAT form, I can see the voltage of all the pins in my model but when I get the output file in .CSV form the voltage of some pins disappears.

Do you have any idea why this happens?

I would be extremely thankful for your help.


Jan-08-16 09:37:24
Alternative OpenModelica Output Files

Regarding my last question:

when I get the output file in .MAT form, I can see the voltage of all the pins in my model but when I get the output file in .CSV form the voltage of some pins disappears.
Do you have any idea why this happens?

Thanks in advance,

Dear all,

I have a question regarding the output files of OpenModelica. I have 4 components in my model and each component has 2 pins (positive pin and negative pin). I want to get the voltage of each pin in the output file but for some pins I cannot get the voltage of that particular pin (e.g. positive pin of a component has only i without v).
I will really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

Jan-06-16 09:24:26
Alternative OpenModelica Output Files

I have attached the library that I am using plus the model itself. For example the Pushbutton1 in the model has only v in the negative pin and not in the positive pin!!!

I really appreciate your help.


Jan-05-16 14:07:35
Alternative OpenModelica Output Files

Dear all,

I have a question regarding the output files of OpenModelica. I have 4 components in my model and each component has 2 pins (positive pin and negative pin). I want to get the voltage of each pin in the output file but for some pins I cannot get the voltage of that particular pin (e.g. positive pin of a component has only i without v).
I will really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

Dec-03-15 08:58:54
What is the OMC API command to use to insert a new constant/parameter

Hi Everyone,

I have a question regarding compiling a model from cmd using OMC command. It seems like it takes more time to compile and simulate the model using OMC. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows the parameters affecting the time that it takes to compile the model. I increased the number of the elements in my model and it takes approximately the same time to be compiled. So, I was wondering what parameters of the model affect the time consumption for simulation.

Thanks for your attention,

Dec-03-15 08:55:59
Build minimal OpenModelica Compiler on Debian linux for text-only use at a console (no GUI).

Hi Everyone,

I have a question regarding compiling a model from cmd using OMC command. It seems like it takes more time to compile and simulate the model using OMC. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows the parameters affecting the time that it takes to compile the model. I increased the number of the elements in my model and it takes approximately the same time to be compiled. So, I was wondering what parameters of the model affect the time consumption for simulation.

Thanks for your attention,

Hi Everyone,

I have another question regarding compiling a model from cmd using OMC command. It seems like it takes more time to compile and simulate the model using OMC. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows the parameters affecting the time that it takes to compile the model. I increased the number of the elements in my model and it takes approximately the same time to be compiled. So, I was wondering what parameters of the model affect the time consumption for simulation.

Thanks for your attention,

Dec-03-15 08:43:21
how to utilize the exe file that is compiled when i simulate a model?

Hi Everyone,

I have another question regarding compiling a model from cmd using OMC command. It seems like it takes more time to compile and simulate the model using OMC. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows the parameters affecting the time that it takes to compile the model. I increased the number of the elements in my model and it takes approximately the same time to be compiled. So, I was wondering what parameters of the model affect the time consumption for simulation.

Thanks for your attention,

Hello everyone,

I have a model with different electrical components. When I get the output file as csv and I do not filter any variable (variable filter = " .* "), I cannot see the voltage of every single pin of the components in the models. For instance, I see the voltage of the negative pin of my device but not positive pin. Can anybody help me with this?


Dec-01-15 13:34:53
OMEdit closes with csv output format
Category: Developer

Hello everyone,

I have a model with different components. When I get the output file as csv and I do not filter any variable (variable filter = " .* "), I cannot see the voltage of every single pin of the components in the models. For instance, I see the voltage of the negative pin of my device but not positive pin. Can anybody help me with this?


Nov-25-15 11:03:01
how to utilize the exe file that is compiled when i simulate a model?

Thanks for your attention,

I have loaded the library that I am using. This is my .mos file:

simulate(test, outputFormat="csv");

and it gives :

which meanse that it has loaded the library but then it cannot build the model !!!!

I will appreciate your help.


Nov-25-15 10:28:40
Building model fails on a new xp installation

Hello everyone,

I have a model named "" and I am trying to simulate this model with omc command from cmd window. When I use the omc command I receive an error which says "Failed to build model: test". But I simulate the model with OMEdit without any problem. There is nothing wrong with the model and I do not understand why when I try to simulate it with omc command it says model cannot be built. I would be extremely grateful if you could help me out current/smile


Nov-25-15 09:47:20
how to utilize the exe file that is compiled when i simulate a model?

Hello everyone,

I have a model named "" and I am trying to simulate this model with omc command from cmd window. When I use the omc command I receive an error which says "Failed to build model: test". But I simulate the model with OMEdit without any problem. There is nothing wrong with the model and I do not understand why when I try to simulate it with omc command it says model cannot be built. I would be extremely grateful if you could help me out.


Hello everyone,

I have a model named "" and I am trying to simulate this model with omc command from cmd window. When I use the omc command I receive an error which says "Failed to build model: test". But I simulate the model with OMEdit without any problem. There is nothing wrong with the model and I do not understand why when I try to simulate it with omc command it says model cannot be built. I would be extremely grateful if you could help me out current/smile


Yes I located the file in BioChem. Just as a test, I located the file in the Desktop and tried to open it in OMEdit but still I get error. The error is this:

Failed to load package Desktop () using MODELICAPATH C:\Users\pouya\;C:/OpenModelica1.9.3/lib/omlibrary.

The package file is developed by some other people and it is supposed to work.

Thanks for your attention,

I get the following error which is related to the path that I should put my file in it:

Failed to load package compartments () using MODELICAPATH C:\OpenModelica1.9.3\lib\BioChem\compartments\;C:/OpenModelica1.9.3/lib/omlibrary.

That would be great if you can help me with that. In what path I should put my "" file?

Thanks in advance,

Hello Everyone,

I want to load a library package which is developed by another person. I have the "" file but I do not know exactly in which directory I have to put this file and how I can open this library file. I am receiving errors for opening this file by using the file--> open model/library file(s).

I really appreciate your help.



Thanks a lot for your description. I could also simulate my model from cmd. I have a small question. How can I change the simulation options like the starting time and ending time (basically time step) without openning OMEdIt.


Hello everyone,

I have an electrical circuit modeled and simulated in OMEdit 1.9.3 and I wanted to ask you how I can export the results of the simulation in a separate sheet? I tried the export .XML option from the tool bar but it looks like it exports only the model (variables, equations,...). What I want is the results of the simulation (e.g. the voltages of each pin of each component as an exported file).

I would be really thankful for your help.


Hello everyone,

I have an electrical circuit modeled and simulated in OMEdit 1.9.3 and I wanted to ask you how I can export the results of the simulation in a separate sheet? I tried the export .XML option from the tool bar but it looks like it exports only the model (variables, equations,...). What I want is the results of the simulation (e.g. the voltages of each pin of each component as an exported file).

I would be really thankful for your help.


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