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OpenModelica Output Files

OpenModelica Output Files

Please forgive, but I'm very new. My understanding so far is that OpenModelica writes simulation results to a Matlab format (.mat) file. And the format for these file is binary. Is there some way to direct simulation results to a text file (for post-processing)? Or, is there a way to gain easy access to these files outside of Matlab? I'm trying to evaluate OpenModelica as the solution engine for HumMod, a large mathematical model of integrative human physiology (, Thank you.

Re: OpenModelica Output Files

Select outputFormat="csv" in the simulate command or in OMEdit: Simulation->Simulation Setup->Output tab->Output Format.
You will get a csv (comma separated values) file as output which you can open in Excel or any text editor.

We run coverage tests on this library and you can see which models are working here: … rsive.html

Adrian Pop/

Re: OpenModelica Output Files

Sorry, I made a confusion regarding, I thought it was a website for some model we played with (which was also called HumMod).
Anyhow, you can also have a look at the Physiolibrary.

Adrian Pop/

Re: OpenModelica Output Files

Dear all,

I have a question regarding the output files of OpenModelica. I have 4 components in my model and each component has 2 pins (positive pin and negative pin). I want to get the voltage of each pin in the output file but for some pins I cannot get the voltage of that particular pin (e.g. positive pin of a component has only i without v).
I will really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

Re: OpenModelica Output Files

Can you provide something, e.g. the model itself, to reproduce the issue?

Re: OpenModelica Output Files

I have attached the library that I am using plus the model itself. For example the Pushbutton1 in the model has only v in the negative pin and not in the positive pin!!!

I really appreciate your help.



Re: OpenModelica Output Files

Regarding my last question:

when I get the output file in .MAT form, I can see the voltage of all the pins in my model but when I get the output file in .CSV form the voltage of some pins disappears.
Do you have any idea why this happens?

Thanks in advance,

Re: OpenModelica Output Files

The CSV-file does not output alias variables (variables that are equal to another variable). The MAT-file contains a table that lists which variables are aliases for other variables (so alias variables do not consume additional space / consume more time to output).

Re: OpenModelica Output Files

Dear Tom,

Thank you so much for your help. But is there any way to get these alias variables in the .CSV file?


Re: OpenModelica Output Files

You would need to read the xml-file (ModelName_init.xml) to figure out the alias relation.

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