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How to get output data file

How to get output data file

Hi all,

I'd like to use calculation results in Microsoft Excel2010.
Howerver, I don't know how to generate txt file at OMEdit.
Could you please tell me how to do that ?

Thank you.


Re: How to get output data file

In the Simulation Dialog select csv as outputFormat. You will get the result file as csv which you can use with Excel.


Re: How to get output data file

Dear Aeas,

Thank you for your kind reply.
It is really helpful if you tell me where a csv file generated. (I couldn't find my result csv file...)

Thank you.


Re: How to get output data file

The result file is generated in the temp folder depending on how you have generated it.

If its generated via OMShel then it will be in %TEMP%/OpenModelica/<your-resut-file>.csv
If its generated via OMEdit then it will be in %TEMP%/OpenModelica/OMEdit/<your-resut-file>.csv


Re: How to get output data file

Hi Adeel,

I finally found the result file !
Thank you so much for your advice.


Re: How to get output data file

Hello guys,

I have a question regarding the output file of my model in OMEdit. when I get the output file in .MAT form, I can see the voltage of all the pins in my model but when I get the output file in .CSV form the voltage of some pins disappears.

Do you have any idea why this happens?

I would be extremely thankful for your help.


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