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Aug-07-13 20:04:26
How can i specify a '+d=initialization' in OMShell?

That has helped. Thanks--Paul

Aug-07-13 19:17:04
How can i specify a '+d=initialization' in OMShell?

Hi all,

i wanted to simulate the BouncingBall model from the OpenModelicaUsersGuide in OMShell (as is specified in the OpenModelicaUsersGuide, p. 21). Therefore i said:

>> simulate(BouncingBall, stopTime=3.0);
Warning: The initial conditions are not fully specified. Use +d=initialization for more information.

and got that warning. Now i wonder how i could specifiy the '+d=initialization' (i suppose that is an option for the compiler, so that it tells something about its problem). Unfortunately i did not found any hint how to give the compiler an option like this in OMShell.

Can anyone help?


Jul-15-13 17:42:45
Is the implementation of algorithms in OpenModelica faulty?

Hi Willi,

thanks for your comment; the 'discrete'-prefix will probably help to solve my original problem.

However, once stumbled upon that topic i'm also curious what's going on with it. I fear i'm missing something. The first thing is, why are 'stop' and 'x' initialized as they are (true and 1)? And then, even more intriguing, if it is so, why the 'if'-part is executed anyway (as you say)? Given that everything is as said, and 'x' is set to 0 at the beginning of the execution of the algorithm, then still 1 should be added later on, shouldn't it?

One more thing: what's the difference between start- and initialize-values?

Ok, these are quite a few questions, but the topic is still heavily obscure to me.


Jul-12-13 18:15:53
Is the implementation of algorithms in OpenModelica faulty?

Hi Adrian,

thanks for your answer. Given that the initialization results in x == 1 and stop == true, and the algorithm part is never run, i wonder why at the end x == 0.


Jul-12-13 15:02:21
Is the implementation of algorithms in OpenModelica faulty?

Oh, unfortunately nobody has something said yet. To me, the topic seems to be rather important. It just cannot see this behavior as specification compliant or even sensible. It could be that i am completely mistaken; in this case it would be nice to give me a hint. In the other case, i would be glad to see some statement from an OpenModelica developer, whether one could expect this behvior to be changed within one of the next builds.


Jul-10-13 18:44:01
Is the implementation of algorithms in OpenModelica faulty?

Hello all,

i am looking for a way to read csv-data into an array, and tried to use a loop in an algorithm section. While doing so i observed a kind of strange behavior, or, at least, i have some pain to see this as desirable semantics. I would like to illustrate what i mean with a simple model:

model Why
  Real x;
  Boolean stop;
  if not stop then
    x:=x + 1;

  end if;
end Why;

Running that model i would expect to see a value of x = 1 (since the algorithm should be executed exactly once). But the value was 0. (The assigned value of 1 had been discarded.) So, i would like to know whether anyone could explain this behavior.

(Aside from discussing this behavior i am still interested in a neat way to read in csv-data---i have tried this by using the reading and scanning functions in the Modelica.Utilities package in a loop, but in order to get this working, the read values would have to be remembered after the loop!)


Jun-24-13 17:31:38
Once-only execution of an algorithm in Modelica
Category: Programming



Jun-24-13 15:20:50
Once-only execution of an algorithm in Modelica
Category: Programming


thanks for your answer. I fear i don't see your point. Without further means, the algorithm is executed over and over again, until the end of the simulation duration, but i want it to be executed exactly once.


Jun-17-13 16:19:34
Once-only execution of an algorithm in Modelica
Category: Programming

Hi all,

i want have Modelica execute an algorithm exactly once, independently on the choosen simulation duration. Can anyone say how this would be done properly?


May-11-12 16:43:40
OMEdit: simulation of modelica standard library example fails

Thank you for your answer.

Unfortunatly OMEdit shows nothing at all (i expected to see something in the messages window).  Where can you see such a messages, and how could you use it to solve the problem?


May-11-12 15:36:16
OMEdit: simulation of modelica standard library example fails

Hi all,

i am working on a model involving synchronous induction machines. In order to get a clue on how to use the modelica standard library furnished models i tried to simulate the SMPM_Inverter model (Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.SMPM_Inverter), but the simulation stopped at time 9.53674e-010. Perhaps i would not have been that concerned about the failure if i did not get premature simulation stops with my own model. Now i am wondering how it comes that a modelica standard library furnished example model fails (using the simulation parameters prescribed by the example description and standard settings for the rest). Did i miss something?

Another question that comes up in this context is the following. In OMEdit there are some parameters to choose for a simulation. Is there a manual or some explanation on how to use them?


May-08-12 18:29:28
OMEdit: preserving plot variable selection in between simulation runs?

Hi Adeel,

thanks for your answer. Your solution works fine, however i have to name an output file with each new simulation. Anyway, it saves from checking all the boxes again.

Thanks again

May-08-12 16:38:42
OMEdit: preserving plot variable selection in between simulation runs?

Hi all,

OMEdit doesn't preserve the selection of plot variables in between simulation runs when using the default settings of the user interface. So i have to check the boxes of all variables i want to have plot once again after a new simulation run in order to see their plots, even when they had been checked before.

Can i get OMEdit to preserve the plot variable selection in between simulation runs?


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