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OMEdit: simulation of modelica standard library example fails
OMEdit: simulation of modelica standard library example fails
Hi all,
i am working on a model involving synchronous induction machines. In order to get a clue on how to use the modelica standard library furnished models i tried to simulate the SMPM_Inverter model (Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.SMPM_Inverter), but the simulation stopped at time 9.53674e-010. Perhaps i would not have been that concerned about the failure if i did not get premature simulation stops with my own model. Now i am wondering how it comes that a modelica standard library furnished example model fails (using the simulation parameters prescribed by the example description and standard settings for the rest). Did i miss something?
Another question that comes up in this context is the following. In OMEdit there are some parameters to choose for a simulation. Is there a manual or some explanation on how to use them?
Re: OMEdit: simulation of modelica standard library example fails
OMEdit should output something like:
In above message, R1 = .5494283178917E-04
warning | Error solving nonlinear system at time 5.4961e-05
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: OMEdit: simulation of modelica standard library example fails
Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunatly OMEdit shows nothing at all (i expected to see something in the messages window). Where can you see such a messages, and how could you use it to solve the problem?
Re: OMEdit: simulation of modelica standard library example fails
I thought Adeel had added display of messages in the latest OMEdit; if you are using the latest version send him an angry email and add a bug to the tracker: http://openmodelica.org:8080/cb/proj/tr … acker_id=1
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: OMEdit: simulation of modelica standard library example fails
Hi,Could you help me ? I am in my graduation project ,Thank you so much!
The message of error is as follows :
Scripting 16:08:19 0:0-0:0 Failed to open simulation result C:/Users/sxf/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenModelica/OMEdit/wojiubx_res.mat: Too few rows in data_2 matrix
I cannot understand "Too few rows in data_2 matrix" .Can someone tell me what possible reasons for this situation? Thank you!
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