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Interactive simulation speed

Interactive simulation speed

I am using OpenModelica 1.8.0 to do interactive simulations, in a sense that I want users to be able to modify the parameters of a system in real-time.
So far so good, this is working wonderfully. I am able to go back in time and quickly adapt certain parameters of my system.

However, I now want to be able to do "as fast as possible" simulation so I can quickly know the state after 24 hours. Typically, the usecase is to use the Graphical Interface how a system evolves when configured with specific parameters.
The changeTime command can only go back in time, as can the changeValue command.

Am I obligated to use the OPC UA interface and continuously call 'step()', or are there other ways to do this?

Edited by: rfaelens - Mar-18-13 21:18:39
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