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How Install OMC??? help!!
How Install OMC??? help!!
I'm a student and a beginner in Modelica.
I was checking OMedit but I can't simulate anything. I have taken some predefined examples and it seems it works fine cause I check syntax and any problem appears but when I want to simulate it doesnt work, I always get a message that indicates that a mistake occur in the translation. I guess that this is due to my Openmodelica Compiler (OMC) but I don't know how install it or what I have to do. Please help me. Thanks.
P.D. Even with the HelloWorld example the X value is not plotted in the simulation mode.
Re: How Install OMC??? help!!
Hello tonyng05
Please send us as many details as possible of the operating system you use and other details. In addition please include literally the errror messages you get.
In my opinion the easiest way to check OpenModelica is opening OpenModelica Notebook and running the examples. If you like one of them you can change it and see the results.
Please try all of this and tell us the results
Re: How Install OMC??? help!!
If you're using Windows, I suggest you do this:
1. restart the computer (so that all the omc processes are stopped)
2. uninstall OpenModelica and remove c:\OpenModelica1.x.y
3. get the latest nightly-build from here:
https://build.openmodelica.org/omc/buil … ly-builds/
4. install the nightly build
Start OMedit (OpenModelica Connection Editor), go to Modelica.Blocks.Examples.PID_Controller and try to simulate it.
Also, let us know what operating system are you using: Windows (Xp, 7, Vista) 32/64 bit, Linux, MacOS?
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: How Install OMC??? help!!
Hi @Koldo and @adrpo, first thanks in advance for your quick answers.
Well I thought the problem had been solve because I had to unistall the OpenModelica version that I had (version 1.9 beta 4) and install a older version (1.8.1) and some examples works now, but some others still doesn't work .
Im using modelica with Windows Vista Enterprise SP2 32bits.
For example I want to take the counter example Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Examples.Counter and I get the following message:
******Translation 16:26:34 0:0-0:0 Internal error sorting equations(strongComponents failed)******
something like that with Modelica.Mechanics.MultyBody.Examples.Elementary.Pendulum
******Translation 16:50:58 C:/OpenModelica1.8.1/lib/omlibrary/Modelica 3.1/Mechanics/MultiBody/parts.mo 712:5-714:42 Variable body.phi_d: Non-array modification 'if body.enforceStates then if body.useQuaternions then StateSelect.never else StateSelect.always else StateSelect.avoid' for array component, possibly due to missing 'each'.***********
One more with Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.AmplifierWithOpAmpDetailed:
******Symbolic 16:56:16 C:/OpenModelica1.8.1/lib/omlibrary/Modelica 3.1/Electrical/Analog/Basic.mo 1798:6-1801:12 If-equation with conditions that are not parameter expressions must have the same number of equations in each branch, equation count is {2,0} for each respective branch:
opAmp.v_source = opAmp.q_fp1;
, opAmp.x = 0.0;
I dont know if Im doing something wrong.
Thaks for your help.
P.D. @adrpo PID Controller example works correctly.
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