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Problems with extending class

Problems with extending class


I have a base class:

class BaseArray
  replaceable constant Modelica.SIunits.Height[:] steps = {0.232};
  replaceable constant Modelica.SIunits.Resistance[:] resistances = {120,160};
end BaseArray;

Then i extend this baseclass in:

final model Art2140807
  extends MyLibrary.Resistive.BaseArray(steps = {0.232,0.216,0.204,0.192,0.18,0.168,0.156,0.144,0.132,0.12,0.108,0.096,0.084,0.072,0.06,0.048,0.036}, resistances = {120,182,250,325,412,513,626,759,917,1104,1344,1631,1991,2490,3188,4188,5788,9088});
end Art2140807;

When i try to use it, in a component like this:
final MyLibrary.Art2140807 usedSensor;
MyLibrary.Resistive.ResistorArray levelResistor(stim_in(final unit = "m"), theSensor = usedSensor)

i get the error:

Error: Type mismatch in binding theSensor = usedSensor, expected subtype of MyLibrary.Resistive.BaseArray new def, got type MyLibrary.Art2140807 model.

Why is there i type mismatch when Art2140807 is extending BaseArray?

Re: Problems with extending class

Because the base type is not replaceable and you didn't redeclare any base classes.

Re: Problems with extending class

Hmm, really dont understand the problem behind this.
The Art2140807 is a subtclass of of the BaseArray and therefore could be used interchangeably with BaseArray. Which Dymola and JModelica allows.
Declaring BaseArray and the variable, "theSensor", as replacable does not solve the problem.

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