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avoid visualisation of objects in omedit

avoid visualisation of objects in omedit

I combine graphical objects and non-graphical objects in one model.  Non-graphical objects are typically parameters, variables, ...
However, for each object without annotation, OMedit seems to add a red crossed square to the graphical view.  This is very confusing and annoying.

When I write annotation(visible=false) , it seems to have no effect. 

How can I avoid the red crossed squares?

Re: avoid visualisation of objects in omedit

Currently, there is no way to avoid red boxes.
I think we should respect annotation(visible=false). I will add this feature soon. Thanks.


Re: avoid visualisation of objects in omedit

That would be very helpful.  Thanks on beforehand.
Will you post a message here when that feature is available in the nightly builds (ubuntu)?  Thanks,

Re: avoid visualisation of objects in omedit

Yes, I will do that.


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