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generated .mo files checked in?

generated .mo files checked in?

I see that some files which are generated by the build process are also checked into the Subversion repository.  For instance, both Compiler/Template/CodegenXML.tpl and Compiler/Template/ are checked in.  I was always taught that only the source file should be checked in; adding generated files just tends to produce hard-to-identify error cases.  Is there a reason for this?

Re: generated .mo files checked in?

The reason is a quite good one that is possible to work around, but we don't want to (after bootstrapping it should be impossible to work around):
You need to have the compiled omc in order to generate the mo-file from a tpl-file. Which means you need to have omc installed before trying to compile it...

We could work around it by generating the C-code to compile a small susan compiler, and add this only once, but this works for now.

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