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Any modelica syntax to export _res.mat to readable text file?

Any modelica syntax to export _res.mat to readable text file?

Is there any built-in modelica syntax to export _res.mat to readable text file? If yes, how.  If no, is there any experience of reading (viewing) without going through Matlab?

Re: Any modelica syntax to export _res.mat to readable text file?

There is not, but you could just choose outputFormat="csv" when simulating.

Re: Any modelica syntax to export _res.mat to readable text file?


simulate(Model, outputFormat="csv") for comma separated value.
simulate(Model, outputFormat="plt") for pt plot text format.

Adrian Pop/

Re: Any modelica syntax to export _res.mat to readable text file?

Hi adrpo, Thats excellent, thanks a lot!

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