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GPL license implications w.r.t using external libraries

GPL license implications w.r.t using external libraries

It is my understanding that any code developed using a GPL library must be GPL too. However, anything developed using a GPL tool (e.g., gcc) does not have to be GPL. Hence, to the best of my knowledge, I can develop models and run them in OpenModelica and not have to publish them under GPL.

My question is - if my modelica model calls an external function - does the external library have to be published as GPL? Thanks.


Re: GPL license implications w.r.t using external libraries

If you use a GPL library in your model, your whole model is a work based on that library and needs to be published as GPL (but only if you distribute it to others; GPL says it's fine for internal use).
If you use LGPL libraries (which many of them are), you only have to publish your modifications of the library as GPL.

Re: GPL license implications w.r.t using external libraries

Thanks for that clarification - however, it does not answer my question exactly. If I create a library which implements external functions for my Modelica model, does that library (that I have created) have to be published as GPL? Thanks in advance.


Re: GPL license implications w.r.t using external libraries

It all depends on the license used by external code:
For example, if you use annotation(Library = {"myLibrary", "someGPLLib"}) your model needs to be GPL (but not necessarily myLibrary).
If you use annotation(Library = {"myLibrary"}) , your model AND your library needs to be GPL if and only if myLibrary links to GPL code.

So if you write the model and the library yourself, you're good.

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