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ModelicaML example
ModelicaML example
I have installed ModelicaML and eveything seems to be working fine. I am a complete beginner and been trying to follow the TwoTankSystem tutorial but I am getting lost because it seems that some things were left out. Is there a more detailed tutorial for a complete beginner like myself?
Thanks for any help in getting me off the ground.
Re: ModelicaML example
there are at least example models here: http://www.ida.liu.se/~pelab/modelica/O … eBindings/
What is unclear in the tutorial?
- wladimir
- 37 Posts
Re: ModelicaML example
Thank you Wladimir for the prompt reply. I am following the tutorial modprod2011-tutorial2-Schamai-ModelicaML. Where I am having trouble is in slide 30. I have created the model structure but I am not clear how to proceed to create the components cIn and cOut for example in BaseControler. What is not clear is do I create a new component element and then cIn cOut as ports or do I simply create cIn and cOut as ports in BaseControler (I am not sure I am explaining this clearly). In either case the result I get does not look like the screenshot in the slides.
This is the tutorial link I am following.
http://www.modprod.liu.se/MODPROD2011/1 … licaML.pdf
Again thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.
Re: ModelicaML example
Hi ,
yes, you can create ports and then set the type.
Note, for using primitive types such as ModelicaReal, ModelicaBoolean etc., you will need to import Modelica Predefined Types to appear them in the type selection dialog.
BTW, you should follow the tutorials from the ModelicaML website because they are kept updated.
Hope it helps
- wladimir
- 37 Posts
Re: ModelicaML example
I managed to follow the tutorial and completed the model. Thanks for the help. However, I am running into trouble trying to simulate the model. I get a message saying errors occurred during simulation and a list of words
"asdlfkj adsöflk jasdf aslkfj jaödlskfj aödslkfj aösldkfj aölskdfj aslökdf aöslkdf ........."
The code generation does not report any errors and I compared the files with the files downloaded from modelicaML site and they appear to be the same.
BTW I am running eclipse indigo.
Thanks for any help in resolving the problem.
Re: ModelicaML example
this was a bug.
Please update ModeicaML.
- wladimir
- 37 Posts
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