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Too many equations, overdetermined system
Too many equations, overdetermined system
Hi All,
I am tyring to write a Modelica code and I have this error "Too many equations, overdetermined system.The model has 126 equation(s) and 26 variable(s)". My code is;
model basisFunction
parameter Integer sn=5 "The number of the points in each axis";
parameter Integer i=1;
parameter Integer j=1;
parameter Real c[2,1]=[0.1; 0.2];
parameter Real theta_r[sn]=linspace(-0.02,0.02,sn) "Generates sn values for position";
parameter Real theta_p[sn]=linspace(-0.1,0.1,sn) "Generates sn values for velocity";
parameter Real s[1,2]=[(theta_r[2]-theta_r[1])/1.7, (theta_p[2]-theta_p[1])/1.7] "Determine the size of the basis function";
parameter Real bFunc[sn*sn]=fill(1,sn*sn);
input Real x[2,1]=[0.01; 0.09];
output Real bPen[sn*sn]=fill(1,sn*sn);
// Calculate the basis function response
for i in 1:size(theta_r,1) loop
for j in 1:size(theta_p,1) loop
c=[theta_r[i]; theta_p[j]] "Centre of each basis";
end for;
end for;
end basisFunction;
if you are able to help me, I will be very pleased. Also if you know how I can plot "bPen" here, please let me know...
Re: Too many equations, overdetermined system
You need to learn some Modelica!
Read the tutorial form here:
https://www.openmodelica.org/index.php/ … umentation
Then at least read the Modelica specification:
https://www.modelica.org/documents/Mode … ision1.pdf
As far as I can tell your "model" is not a model, is a function and the equation is an algorithm.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: Too many equations, overdetermined system
Thanks Adrian, I looked at those documents before and this is my first algorithm in Modelica. I initially wrote it as a function with algorithm but I am trying to generate a "Modelica Custom Component" for a MapleSim application; hence I am just trying to adapt it into MapleSim.
Thanks for your suggestions...
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