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Status of Modelica.Media and Modelica.Fluid?

Status of Modelica.Media and Modelica.Fluid?

I see from the roadmap that flattening of the Modelica.Media library was set to be achieved by July this year and that the Fluid library should be flattenable by November.

I was wondering how work in these areas was progressing, as I would find it very useful to be able to use models containing these components.

Many thanks for all your work so far - although I am a newcomer to Modelica I am very impressed by the OpenModelica set of tools, particularly OMEdit! (In case it is of interest, I found that the nightly-build version allows you to drag-and-drop custom models into other custom models - effectively circumventing the need to make a custom library.)

Re: Status of Modelica.Media and Modelica.Fluid?

Adrian Pop said he expect Media in November (there were some more problems with redeclare that took longer than expected), Fluid is expected by March.

Re: Status of Modelica.Media and Modelica.Fluid?

Thank you very much for letting me know - I shall investigate workarounds for the intervening time.

Re: Status of Modelica.Media and Modelica.Fluid?

Does this mean I cannot use Modelica.Fluid in OMEdit until march?

Re: Status of Modelica.Media and Modelica.Fluid?

I'm afraid you're right...

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