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OMEdit version where FMI menu has option to set co-simulation solver

OMEdit version where FMI menu has option to set co-simulation solver

Under Tools > Options > FMI, there are a few screenshots showing an option to set the co-simulation solver to Explicit Euler.  I have tried installing OMEdit 1.18.0, 1.16.5 and  1.14.1 but none of these versions have this option present.  Does anyone know which version of OMEdit provides this option please?

I am using the Windows 65-bit build on Windows 10.

Re: OMEdit version where FMI menu has option to set co-simulation solver

It is the default setting anyway. In older versions no CVODE CS-FMU export is available.

But at least OpenModelica v1.18.1 (or newer) has this option to choose between Euler and CVODE.

Edited by: AnHeuermann - Jan-28-22 14:53:59

Re: OMEdit version where FMI menu has option to set co-simulation solver

Great, yes that solves that mystery thank you!

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