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Translation error during FMU export

Translation error during FMU export

I am trying to export the model PhotoVoltaics_TGM.TGM_Comax_Measurement_20160808 as fmu and I get the following error:

[9] Translation Error
[C:/OM116/OM64bit/OMCompiler/Compiler/SimCode/ 745:13-745:124]: Internal error Failed to copy path C:\Program Files\OpenModelica1.16.5-64bit\lib\omlibrary\PhotoVoltaics 1.6.0\Resources\WeatherData\TGM_Comax_20160808.txt to PhotoVoltaics_TGM_TGM_Comax_Measurement_20160808.fmutmp/resources/C\Program Files\OpenModelica1.16.5-64bit\lib\omlibrary\PhotoVoltaics 1.6.0\Resources\WeatherData

Any idea of what is going on?

Re: Translation error during FMU export

Seems we have issues copying the resource from the library inside the FMU. Looks like the path might be to long.
I suggest you change the OMEdit working directory from Tools->Options->General to something short like c:\omworkdir.
Then restart OMEdit and try again.

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