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Using the AIM model (e.g. with SquirrelCage)

Using the AIM model (e.g. with SquirrelCage)


I want to use one of the Induction Machine models from the Electrical package. They work very well, but I have problems with parametrisation. I changed parameter values in the aimc data record to define my motor individual characteristics(Lm, Rr, etc.). I want to test the motor comparable to the example AIMC_DOL but with my parametrisation. When I put in wLoad with 2500 rpm and TLoad with 48 Nm. The motor do not reach the values. It seems that the speed is limited through an default value. I change some parameters, but the maximum speed is in the range of ca. 1500 rpm. Has somebody an explanation how to parameterise such motors correctly or what I missed?

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