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How sum all the values at all times and give one unique output ?

How sum all the values at all times and give one unique output ?

I'm wondering is there a way to sum all the values of data series and give one unique output,
in the other way for example if we have an continues output which has a value in each second,
can we sum all of the values and get one value in final ?

PS. I tried to use the SUM block but it didn't work for my case,I though maybe you know another way.

Edited by: arminmeftahi - Jan-12-16 17:43:23

Re: How sum all the values at all times and give one unique output ?

The sum of a continuous number is the integral.  You should be able to use the integrator block to do what you need:  Integrator

Re: How sum all the values at all times and give one unique output ?

yup, thank you it was a misunderstanding,my bad .

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