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writing variables to mat file

writing variables to mat file


i want to write some selected variables into a mat file. this can be decomposed in 2 questions:

1) openmodelica (at least 1.6.0) can write results as .mat. is this feature (writing mat files) accessible for users? e.g. writing data in a mat file (not the default result file) from within a simulation or script?
I would have linked against the matlab libraries, wrote some modelica wrappers to the library - but if openmodelica can do it why should i reinvent the wheel?

2) is there a user side access to the 'output event':
what i mean is if i would like to write some variables in a file x times per second, i could explicitely write a sample statement, therein call the corresponding code (modelica or c) writing the data to a file.
on the other hand modelica has the output interval setting. is it possible to use a part of that mechanism - either 'reading' the output interval setting & using it in a sample block or even better register a function to be executed when output is written...

thank you


Re: writing variables to mat file


1.  yes. you use simulate(Model, outputFormat="mat");
2.  you could use sample in a when equation in which you have an (external) function call that writes to a file
      when (sample ...) then
         callFunctionWriteResults(x, y, z);
     end when;
     Your function will be called at that specific sample.
     If you only need the results output from the callFunctionWriteResults then you can simulate
     using simulate(Model, outputFormat="empty") which does not generate any result file.

Adrian Pop/

Re: writing variables to mat file

2. thats exactly my plan: setting output=empty and writing only variables in which I'm interested in.
but using sample is the explicit way to do it.
what I wonder is if there is a possibility to get hands on the output interval setting.... otherwise one would need to specify the sample interval manually in the model...

1. yes, I have seen that i can select .mat as output file. what I want is different:
suppress all output  outputFormat="empty".

at sampled times write some specific variables to a .mat file (as discussed above). the question is: do I need to link and call matlabs mat libs or can i use openmodelica onboard code (as you stated om actually can write .mat files)....


Re: writing variables to mat file


simulate(Model, startTime=0, stopTime=1, numberOfIntervals=5, outputFormat="mat")
the output interval (the step) is equal to (stopTime-startTime)/numberOfIntervals.

You can get the behavior you want only by changing the sources in trunk/c_runtime/.
Right now we do not have a way to set a callback on the emit function for the variable output.
We should support such functionality as it would be good.

Adrian Pop/

Re: writing variables to mat file

and how about the mat file interface - where can I find it?
guess there is some c-code which I didn't find...

shouldn't be to much coding in order to wrap this code in order to provide a modelica library allowing to write mat files - or not?


Re: writing variables to mat file


In the emit() method the output to file is realized.
You can add your filters there.

Note that the generated model code is linked with libc_runtime.a

Adrian Pop/

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