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pltpkg and SimpleVisual missing?

pltpkg and SimpleVisual missing?


I can not find the pltpkg and the SimpleVisual packages in 1.6.0
The example code 3.5.2 'programmable drawing of 2d graphics'
results in the error
[<interactive>:11:1-12:17:writable] Error: Class pltpkg.rect not found in scope testGeom.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$ (looking for a function or record).

I tested this in the notebook.

do I have to load / import the package? from where?

how about coin3d - do I need to install it separately?


Re: pltpkg and SimpleVisual missing?


Ok, We forgot to add these packages to 1.6.0 default MSL3.1 library.
However, i don't know if the pltpkg is working fine or not and were to find it (I'll ask around).
We should re-write parts of this functionality and make it better.
The 3d libs should be installed if you use Windows. On Linux you might have to do it yourself. you can find it here:
Inside Modelica\
Just copy it inside:

Adrian Pop/

Re: pltpkg and SimpleVisual missing?

is the pltpkg no more supported? The section in the manual is still present...

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