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Grammar Error: Expected the package to have within ThermoPower but got

Grammar Error: Expected the package to have within ThermoPower but got


I try to open the ThermoPower library package, but I get the following error:

[57] 11:45:36 Grammar Error
[D:/Documents/SUNRAIN/ModelicaCode/ThermoPower2.1-MSL2.2.2/ThermoPower/ 1:1-217:12]: Expected the package to have within ThermoPower; but got within ;.

[58] 11:45:36 Scripting Error
Failed to load package ThermoPower () using MODELICAPATH D:\Documents\SUNRAIN\ModelicaCode\ThermoPower2.1-MSL2.2.2\;C:/OpenModelica1.9.3Nightly/lib/omlibrary.

Not sure how I can open the package.

Re: Grammar Error: Expected the package to have within ThermoPower but got

I suggest using the MSL3 version of ThermoPower within OMEdit since OMEdit does not support MSL2

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