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Creating a model similar to Multibody.World

Creating a model similar to Multibody.World


I wanted to recreate the DCMotor model available in OMNotebook with one small change. I want to make the ground model similar to the Multibody.World model. i.e. it should be enough only if i drag and drop a ground component into the view. No need of connecting it.

For this, I made the ground component as an inner model by changing it in the annotation. 


model Ground

  Interfaces.Pin_a p ;
  p.v = 0;
  annotation(defaultComponentName = "ground", defaultComponentPrefixes = "inner");
end Ground;

Then I gave a reference to this ground model in the voltage, emf, resistor and inductor components by


outer Ground ground;

But when i try to simulate the model, I get an error stating that Circular Equalities are detected. (This error comes in the normal DCMotor model when there is no ground component present.)

Can someone please tell me where I went wrong?


Edited by: Sanjay_Kamath - May-12-14 13:20:53

Re: Creating a model similar to Multibody.World

OpenModelica does not (yet) add automatically and inner component. You have to add the inner component yourself in the top model!

Adrian Pop/

Re: Creating a model similar to Multibody.World

Hi Adrian,

I'm sorry I did not follow you. What do you mean by a top model? Is the DCMotor model my top model? I can see that the "inner Ground ground" has been added to my DCMotor model.

Re: Creating a model similar to Multibody.World

When you drag & drop the Ground model into DCMotor it should become,


inner Ground ground;

The top model Adrian is referring to is DCMotor.


Re: Creating a model similar to Multibody.World

That is what happens when I drag and drop the ground model. I can see


inner Ground ground;

in the Modelica text view added automatically. But the issue still exists

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