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Initialization of parameters for Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.Body

Initialization of parameters for Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.Body

     In the model Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.PointGravity in OMEdit, the body components have some intial conditions for the parameters r_0 and v_0. In the modelica text view, I can see them as r_0(start = {0,0.6,0}, each fixed = true), v_0(start = {1,0,0}, each fixed = true). I can input these in a model (which I created) by going to the text view and by simply typing it. But how do I do the same using the Parameter dialogs in OMEdit?

Thanks in advance,

Edited by: Sanjay_Kamath - Feb-26-14 06:59:30

Re: Initialization of parameters for Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.Body


This may seem a petty issue but it is important for my understanding. Any help would be useful

Re: Initialization of parameters for Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.Body

I have this problem too. r_0 or v_0 can be set at the initialization tab, but then their value is held constant for the whole simulation.

Re: Initialization of parameters for Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.Body

Its not that, Daniel. Setting r_0 as {0,0.6,0} using the initialization tab sets it as r_0 = {0,0.6,0}, and not as r_0(start = {0,0.6,0}) . This can be seen  in the text view.

Re: Initialization of parameters for Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.Body

I know that, I'm just saying that I think that it should set the start value because its in the initialization tab.

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