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buildModel simulate ; system -> exe overrideFile
buildModel simulate ; system -> exe overrideFile
we have a question. In the attachement you can find 3 files (
we wanna execute runScript("reaction2b.mos"); on the OMShell.
All is working fine in the following order in the file:
system("reaction2.exe -f reaction2_init.xml -overrideFile=reaction2_param.txt");
we have to do the simulate everytime before with the wrong parameters to get the system and the plot command work.
we try this
system("reaction2.exe -f reaction2_init.xml -overrideFile=reaction2_param.txt");
with buildModel also all files are builded. But with buildModel the system command and the plot command than gives 0 or false.
1. question:
Why we have to use simulate first? buildModel will do the same we think? what is the difference between these two commands?
2. question:
We dont wanna simulate everytime at first with wrong parameters. Because in the system command we use overrideFile to give the new parameters.
Is there a way to use the system command and after that the plot without simulate?
Re: buildModel simulate ; system -> exe overrideFile
1. answer:
Simulate & buildModel are same except that buildModel only compiles the model and generates the simulation executable whereas simulate compiles the model, generates the simulation executable and runs it.
2. answer:
You should use buildModel but note that buildModel doesn't set the default result filename for the environment so you need to specify a resutl filename to plot. Use the following code,
system("reaction2.exe -f reaction2_init.xml -overrideFile=reaction2_param.txt");
plot({xA,xB}, fileName="reaction2_res.mat");
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