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Difference in results obtained from MAT and CSV output formats

Difference in results obtained from MAT and CSV output formats

I was solving the DoublePendulum example in the Standard Library available in OpenModelica and found out that the results obtained by using the MAT output format is different from that obtained using CSV format. Why does this happen? Ideally the results obtained irrespective of the format should be same. Right? Is this a defect or its supposed to behave like this?

P.S. I havent changed any other parameters in the model. The difference is only with the output formats


Re: Difference in results obtained from MAT and CSV output formats

The following tells me the files are the same...




Which variables differ?

Re: Difference in results obtained from MAT and CSV output formats


The variables that I plotted were boxBody1.frame_b.r_0[1], boxBody1.frame_b.r_0[2], boxBody2.frame_b.r_0[1] and boxBody2.frame_b.r_0[2]

Re: Difference in results obtained from MAT and CSV output formats - create one for OMEdit. The results in the files are identical. I suspect the csv-parsing routines in OMPlot don't handle variable names with commas in them...

Re: Difference in results obtained from MAT and CSV output formats

Were you able to see the difference in those 4 plots? Also I have noticed that the variable values do not get displayed in the variables browser for CSV and PLT formats. Why is it so?

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