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Nov-18-19 08:48:36
Category: Programming

Simulation output window!

Nov-14-19 11:32:07
Category: Programming

Hi there!

The problem I have is as follows: I am using a mass flow source of a certain fluid, and when I have an external connector setting it to 0.5 kg/s, the model works fine. However if I add a Real expression with "if time < 12000 then 0.5 else mflow3" (being mflow3 some other flow calculated in the model), the model stops at second 2 (does not even reach the event!).

Why can this be happening? I could understand that the event causes the problem, but the model is stopping even before that happens.

Thanks in advance


Jul-24-19 11:27:30
Category: Programming

So the question should be reformulated as: Why does my model behaves differently when one of the input variables is going to have a step at a later time?

Jul-24-19 11:24:40
Category: Programming

The error is related to a certain variable (a temperature) that takes a non-accepted value. This is because at T=300 the model starts behaving differently than when the inputs are constants! Once again I clarify, even though the step/ramp is supposed to happen at T=20000.

Jul-24-19 10:39:11
Category: Programming

Hi all;

I have a model that runs fine when the input variables are in steady state. However, if I add a step in one of them at T=20000, the simulation stops running way before the event (at T=300 for instance).

Has this happened to anyone before? What might be the problem?
I have tried everything and to my knowledge, there is no way to debug this.

Thanks in advance


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