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Constant vs Real Expression

Constant vs Real Expression

Hi there!

The problem I have is as follows: I am using a mass flow source of a certain fluid, and when I have an external connector setting it to 0.5 kg/s, the model works fine. However if I add a Real expression with "if time < 12000 then 0.5 else mflow3" (being mflow3 some other flow calculated in the model), the model stops at second 2 (does not even reach the event!).

Why can this be happening? I could understand that the event causes the problem, but the model is stopping even before that happens.

Thanks in advance


Re: Constant vs Real Expression

was there any error reported on OMEdit or on simulation output window?

Re: Constant vs Real Expression

Simulation output window!

Re: Constant vs Real Expression

It would be great if you couldgive some simple code that represent what you are trying to do and also maybe give the information on what error exactly that OMEdit was giving you. It would help other to understand your problem better.

best regards

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