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Mar-02-17 22:02:22
DifferentiationEquationTime failed
Category: Programming


I am working on developing vehicle models for my project. I have been working with Dymola to simulate my models, I had previously used OpenModelica OMEdit for some of my initial models and seemed to work fine. Now the models can be simulated only on Dymola but not on OMEdit the errors are as follows :
[1] to [5] are

[6] 22:45:19 Symbolic Error
[C:/OM111/OpenModelica64bit/OMCompiler/Compiler/BackEnd/ 387:3-387:155]: Derivative of expression "vehicle.trans.w_c / vehicle.trans.i_tm[integer(vehicle.trans.agearprev)] = vehicle.trans.w_p" w.r.t. "time" is non-existent.

[7] 22:45:19 Translation Error
[Version_openmodelica: 399:7-399:41]: Internal error
Differentiate.differentiateEquationTime failed for vehicle.trans.w_c / vehicle.trans.i_tm[integer(vehicle.trans.agearprev)] = vehicle.trans.w_p

[8] 22:45:19 Translation Error
Internal error - IndexReduction.pantelidesIndexReduction1 failed! Use -d=bltdump to get more information.

[9] 22:45:19 Translation Error
Internal error - IndexReduction.pantelidesIndexReduction failed!

[10] 22:45:19 Translation Error
Internal error Transformation Module PFPlusExt index Reduction Method Pantelides failed!

the model Experiment_1 under the Experiment package.

Please, may I get some advice on how I can correct the above errors, would be happy to learn more about OpenModelica as well in the process of finding my errors.

Thank You!


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