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Hi everyone,

I have a Modelica package which contains a few nested packages, which I created using xogeny’s instructions in Modelica by Example. It’s organized as a directory containing a file and many subpackages as directories.

I can load this complete package in OMEdit without issue by loading the in the « mother package » directory, and then I can simulate any nested package or export files to FMU.

However, I’m trying to make a script that would load this package and then extract any file to an FMU. I have not found any way to do it with OpenModelica.
I tried the following OMShell commands :
        loadFile(""); // This is the mother package file, this command works
        loadFile("OneElement/"); // Doesn’t work
        loadModel(Toy_Exclude.OneElement); // Toy_Exclude is the « mother package », and this command doesn’t work either
        translateModelFMU("OneElement/"); // Doesn’t work either, heh
In OMPython, I could not even load an OMCSession because python says there is no module named omniORB (even though I installed it using conda).

I’m using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, with OMEdit+OMC version 1.10.0~dev-706-g510e963-1.

Did I miss something ?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

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