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According to the MLS, the "branch" operator define a unbreakable connect.Why this model only generator 3 equations in OpenModelica?
model BreakBranch
record Rec
Real x;
function equalityConstraint
input Rec r1;
input Rec r2;
output Real x[0];
assert(r1.x > r2.x, "Test");
end equalityConstraint;
end Rec;
connector Con
Rec r;
end Con;
model Source
Con c;
c.r.x = time;
end Source;
model A
Con c1;
Con c2;
Connections.branch(c1.r, c2.r);
end A;
model Ground
Con c;
end Ground;
A a;
Ground g;
Source s;
connect(s.c, a.c1);
connect(a.c1, a.c2);
connect(a.c2, g.c);
end BreakBranch;
the equation of actualStream(h_flow) is : if( noEvent(m_flow > 0) ) ... or if(m_flow > 0) ...... ??
Thank you!
Hi, i typed +d=interactiveCorba in debug configuration, and the debug step into the loop wait for command.
But i do not know how to send command to it.
i've tried the project named 07_OMCAndCorba , but it restart a omc.exe as the its service.(Solved)
Add, where to download the client in C++( as described in "Eclipse MDT and MetaModelica Exercises.ppt")?
I reinstalled my QTSDK, and selected the MIngW compiler like this:
Qt version: Qt 4.7.4
Tool chain: MingW(x86 32bit)
qmake: qmake.exe OMEditGUI.pro -r -spec win32-g++
Make: mingw32-make.exe in ....(I covered the default migw32-make with the mingw32-make in OMDEV/tool/bin).
error :
c:/omdev/tools/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lOMPlot
I've rebuild the OpenModelica source code with Eclipse, OMDEV = C:\OMDev.
I installed 'Qt_SDK_Win_offline_v1_1_4_en.exe' and opened the .pro without any change.
The Project tab : (generated automatically)
version:Qt 4.7.4 for Desktop -Msvc2008(Qt SDK)
Build Steps:
Make : jom.exe in ......;
qmake: qmake.exe OMEditGUI.pro -r -spec win32-msvc2008
My generated file omc_communication.h line 6 is
#include <omniORB4/CORBA.h>.
I've tried 'omniidl.exe -bcxx -Wbh=.h -Wbs=.cc omc_communication.idl' and copied them into OMEditGUI.
But the same errors are still there.
i typed 'omniidl -bcxx omc_communication.idl', there generated ‘omc_communicationSK.cc’ and 'omc_communication.hh', changed the name of 'omc_communicationSK.cc’ into 'omc_communication.cc’ . copied them into '\OpenModelica\OMEdit\OMEditGUI'.
it told me can not find 'stdint.h', found it under '\OMdev\tools\mingw\include' and copied it into the project folder.
error appeared:
\OMDev\lib\omniORB-4.1.4-mingw\include\omniORB4/corbaidl_defs.hh(2026) : error C2039: “LongDouble”: is not member of “CORBA”.
Hi,i have tried to build the OMEdit(in "\OpenModelica\OMEdit\OMEditGUI") under the windows with QT SDK.
After following the steps in the Readme, it show me "can not find 'omc_communication.cc' and 'omc_communication.h'". I copied them(Found these two under in '\OpenModelica\Compiler\runtime') , but can not find 'corba.h'.
The .pro show me the includepath contain '$$(OMDEV)/lib/omniORB-4.1.4-mingw/include', but i found 'corba.h' in '$$(OMDEV)/lib/omniORB-4.1.4-mingw/include/omniORB4'. I added the path into the includepath, more errors appear.
If i should install anything else?
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