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Using OpenModelica with the tool CosiMate for cosimulation
Using OpenModelica with the tool CosiMate for cosimulation
Hello everybody,
I would like to get some help about one problem that I have when using OpenModelica and CosiMate.
Maybe a little explanation about CosiMate:
this is a commercial tool that allows the interaction between different simulators (like Simulink, OpenModelica, … and also C code). Then, when can run a co-simulation with all our different models in each simulator running and working together by exchanging data during the simulation. This is exactly the goal of CosiMate : to allow the communication between the models and synchronize them if needed.
Until now, I can follow the process for build and set my models which consist on four steps:
1. Create the model with OpenModelica, by using the CosiMate IN or OUT port models (which are elements of the CosiMate library that were added during the installation of the tool).
2. Execute the simulation with OpenModelica only. That’s mean we don’t start the cosimulation with CosiMate, but run only one simulator in one “non-connected to the cosimate bus” mode.
This second step is useful to generate one interface file (“.ixd” extension, xml format inside) which contain the list of the CosiMate ports of this models and some other information.
3. Import the generated “.ixd” file of the second step in CosiMate, in order to connect this interface to the cosimate bus.
4. Execute the cosimulation with CosiMate: it will ask to start each connected model to the bus, including the one of OpenModelica. When ask, we only need to execute the simulation with OpenModelica in the “connected to the cosimate bus” mode.
Now that I have increased the size of my model, I get an error at the step 2, with OpenModelica:
“Process crashed WARNING OpenModelica interface (150200): Instance not connected to the co-simulation bus…
WARNING OpenModelica interface (150201): Cannot initialize the control thread.”
In fact, the error appends just at the end or just after the compilation of the model. The progress bar of the simulation appears, but it crash at the beginning.
So, I don’t know if the problem came from OpenModelica or from the interface between OpenModelica and CosiMate.
Because the “.ixd” file has an xml format, I also have the idea to write it by myself and bypass the step 2. This is what I have done, and so I can complete step 3 (use the “ixd” file to import my model in CosiMate), and can go to step 4.
When I start the cosimulation with CosiMate, it ask me to execute the simulation under OpenModelica. Another error appears at the same step than before, just after the compilation, at the beginning of the simulation progress bar:
“Process crashed” (no other information about this error)
So, is there somebody already got the same problem? Or have an idea about what can be the source of the error?
Thank you very much, every comments will be welcome
Re: Using OpenModelica with the tool CosiMate for cosimulation
Hello Romaric,
Romaric wrote:
Now that I have increased the size of my model, I get an error at the step 2, with OpenModelica:
“Process crashed WARNING OpenModelica interface (150200): Instance not connected to the co-simulation bus…
WARNING OpenModelica interface (150201): Cannot initialize the control thread.”
In fact, the error appends just at the end or just after the compilation of the model. The progress bar of the simulation appears, but it crash at the beginning.
So, I don’t know if the problem came from OpenModelica or from the interface between OpenModelica and CosiMate.
Are you able to simulate your model just with OpenModelica?
If not, probably the problem came from OpenModelica.
Then you should add a bug report with your model or at least
the problematic parts.
so long.
- wbraun
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