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Solver interaction with external function.

Solver interaction with external function.

I'm using an external function in OpenModelica to evaluate some forces and moments. The function takes time and other parameters as input.
Now I would like to store and output some data at the taken solver steps (the final step that the solver decided to take).
Therefore I would like to know the exact step the solver has decided to take after evaluating the system of equations multiple times, and force an final evaluation in this step in order to store the correct data. I also need to set a maximum time step length for the solver.

Is that possible in OpenModelica?


Re: Solver interaction with external function.

Hello Alex,

alesiem wrote:

Therefore I would like to know the exact step the solver has decided to take after evaluating the system of equations multiple times, and force an final evaluation in this step in order to store the correct data. I also need to set a maximum time step length for the solver.

Is that possible in OpenModelica?

If your function has just the time and other _parameters_ as input your function should just called once at the output points. The output points are depending on numberOfIntervals and the start- and stop time. This implies also you can set the maximum step size with this options.

so long.

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