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High frequency limit in OpenModelica

High frequency limit in OpenModelica

I am having problem to run OpenModelica for simulation that uses high frequency above 1e9Hz.  The following code, does not give me the right sinusoidal plot. It can work with 1e8Hz and 1e9Hz (though 1e9Hz is already a bit staggered), but not for 1e10Hz.  May I know what the problem is? and how I can resolve this. Thanks.

model testfreq
  parameter Real f1=1e10;
  Real u;
end testfreq;


Edited by: pauljoseph - Jul-28-10 04:06:36

Re: High frequency limit in OpenModelica

Change the solver to euler or dassl2. The dassl implementation has some issues with very small time steps (I think it uses comparisons with an absolute delta somewhere).

Re: High frequency limit in OpenModelica

Thanks, this is great, both euler and dassl2 gave a nice plot.
May I know where can I get the documentation for all this? It doesn't seem to be covered in the UserGuide and Tutorial.

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