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problems tab does not show any comments

problems tab does not show any comments

I was trying to simulate some simple code i came up with, the error message appeared when i ran, it says "problems are found in Modelica Text, please check the problems tab for more error specific details", but there is nothing in the problems tab, can someone tell me why? thanks for helping!

Re: problems tab does not show any comments

I can't help unless I can see the model

Re: problems tab does not show any comments

my code might be wrong, but i just want to know that if there is an error, is the problems tab supposed to show the comments about it?

Re: problems tab does not show any comments

my code might be wrong, but i just want to know that if there is an error, is the problems tab supposed to show the comments about it?

Re: problems tab does not show any comments

Sometimes it does

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