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1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
I just installed 1.9.0 beta and opened the \Mechanics\MultiBody\Systems\RobotR3 example and then selected Simulate from the Simulate menu. On the first attempt the compile never completed (ran for a few hours). After shutting down and restarting it did compile but then the simulation never completed (ran for about an hour).
I'm on a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 machine with 8GB RAM and an i7-2760QM CPU.
Re: 1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
Use the latest nightly build:
https://build.openmodelica.org/omc/buil … ly-builds/
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: 1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
Hi Adrian.
FYI: I just uninstalled r12739 and installed today's r13381. It compiles on first try but the simulation has now run for well over 60 minutes with no sign of stopping... Seems like there is a problem.
Re: 1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
What version of the Modelica library are you using? The default 3.1 or 3.2.1?
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: 1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
I'm completely new to OM (and Modelica in general) so bear with me.
I'm using the OM Connection Editor. According to TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> LIBRARIES I'm using the 'default' Modelica and default ModelicaReference. If I look under the COMPONENTS -> MODELICA -> USERSGUIDE -> RELEASENOTES, I see a 'version_3_1' and 'Version_3_1_BugFixes'. No version 3.2.1 though. If I wanted to switch to "Version_3_1_BugFixes" do I use this string in the TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> LIBRARIES dialog?
Re: 1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
No it should be OK. I thought this model was working, but it seems I was wrong.
I had a look in our testsuite and we don't seem to test for that particular model only for oneAxis:
https://test.openmodelica.org/hudson/jo … ies_msl31/
It seems to be a bug and there is an infinite loop. I'll add a bug report about it.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: 1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
I actually reported this bug a while back:
Should be fixed in the next weeks.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: 1.9.0 Beta (r12739) can't simulate the multibody 3D robot example
Hum... seems this bug has been around for a while (not just in the 1.9.0 branch). I just downloaded the released 1.8.1 and it behaves the same. As Adrian mentioned, seems like this shipping example needs to be added to the automated test suite.
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