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OpenMo 1.8.1 error: Communication with the OMEdit server has been lost

OpenMo 1.8.1 error: Communication with the OMEdit server has been lost

Hi Guys,

I have just installed OpenModelica 1.8.1 -revision-11643 on a Windows7, 64bit but when I try to open any modelica example, it pops up an error or successive error dialog with the same message "Communication with the OMEdit server has been lost", "OMEdit is closing"...  And then, it closes down by its own terms.  Has anyone ever encountered this error and problems and has got any idea to resolve this isuue.

Thanks in advance for your comments.


Re: OpenMo 1.8.1 error: Communication with the OMEdit server has been lost


This message is shown when OpenModelica compiler is closed. Can you tell which model is causing this behavior?

You can also try installing the latest build, … ly-builds/


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