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Status of Modelica.Fluid and Modelica.Media

Status of Modelica.Fluid and Modelica.Media

I've been trying to determine the status of the Modelica.Media and Modelica.Fluid libraries. Is there somewhere that describes definitively what currently works and what doesn't?

I've seen the nightly build test reports at and there don't appear to be any failing test cases for either library. This seems to directly conflict with the reports I've seen on the forums and in other places.

I'm very interested in OpenModelica and the lack of support for Media and Fluid would require that I implement a few additional models for my specific application, but it could be done. Still, I'm not excited to think that I may be reinventing the wheel.

Hopefully someone can provide some clarification and a progress update on the development.

Re: Status of Modelica.Fluid and Modelica.Media


We're working on supporting Fluid and the plan is to have it working by September (at least flattening,
simulation might take a while longer). Media is partially already working (flattening is working, simulation
not for all models in the Examples).

See here for a clear picture on what we can flatten/simulate: … rsive.html

Adrian Pop/

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