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How can the user give a temperature information to "HeatCapacitor" ?

How can the user give a temperature information to "HeatCapacitor" ?

Hi all,

I'd like to calculate the temperature of a mass body cooled by radiation. I think "HeatCapacitor", one of the Modelica Standard Library, is suitable for my purpose.

But where and how can I set the temperature of the HeatCapacitor ? I tried adding a new "modifier" in properties window, but I finally didn't make it.

If you know how to set the temperature to "HeatCapacitor", could you please tell me how to do that ?
Thank you in advance.

Re: How can the user give a temperature information to "HeatCapacitor" ?

Hi all,

I posted a question above and I'm sorry for consecutive post...
I think I understand how to set the temperature to "HeatCapacitor" but simulation doesn't run successfully.

Source code I wrote in the text view of OMEdit is as follows:
model Radiation
  Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.FixedTemperature fixedtemperature1(T = 25 + 273.15);
  Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.BodyRadiation bodyradiation1(Gr = 1) ;
  Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor heatcapacitor1(C = 700, T(start = 600+273.15)) ;
  fixedtemperature1.T = bodyradiation1.port_a.T;
  heatcapacitor1.T = bodyradiation1.port_b.T;
end Radiation;
I run this code, and I get following error message...
"Too many equations, overdetermined system. The model has 14 equation(s) and 12 variable(s)"

Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem ?

Thank you.

Re: How can the user give a temperature information to "HeatCapacitor" ?

Hi all,

I'm sorry for my 3-consecutive posts but I realized how to give temperature to "HeatCapacitor" now.
To help those who want to do same thing, I wrote the procedure below.

As defalut, "HeatCapacitor" have temperature 293.15 K.
We can change this value in "Modelica Text View" of OMEdit, by adding "T(start= xxx)" as below
( xxx is temperature you want to set at Kelvin)

HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor heatcapacitor1(C = 700, T(start = 873.15));
It's quite simple.

Thank you.

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