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Modelica - Electrical.machines.example

Modelica - Electrical.machines.example

Dear All,

I'm a new modelica user and trying to make my first steps.

One of the things I was looking at is the simulation of AC-induction machines. I have been looking at the examples in OMedit, but have been unable to simulate them. As detailed in the documentation, I plot form 0 to 1,5 with 1500 steps. Neither the compiling, nor the simulating gives errors, but when looking at the plotted values, I only get results for the first 1/1000000 of the first second.

Anybody have an idea of what I am doing wrong?



Re: Modelica - Electrical.machines.example

Please find a screenshot of the problem here: … hotostream

I tried it on my computer at work, that still has 1.7.0 installed, and it worked flawlessly.

Re: Modelica - Electrical.machines.example

Is that the expected result or the wrong result? I know nothing about the machines...

Re: Modelica - Electrical.machines.example

I've seen the same symptoms. I don't think it's the wrong results. The solution just fails prematurely with no error messages. Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.DifferenceAmplifier also stops simulating prematurely.

For Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.AIMC_DOL example, I tried removing the IdealClosingSwitch, the CurrentQuasiRMSSensor, and changed the QuadraticSpeedDependentTorque to a constant torque, but the simulation still ended prematurely.

- Tom

Re: Modelica - Electrical.machines.example

Indeed, results seem acceptable (as far as I can se on 10^-9s). The solving fails prematurely.

Today I reverted back to 1.8.0, but the problem persists.

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