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new configure options?

new configure options?


I realized that some configure options have been removed.

I get the following warning when configuring:
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-sendData-Qt, --with-Coin

which options should I put instead now? which ones are compulsory for running make omc, make mosh, make qtclients ?


Re: new configure options?

The same options as before except skip these two.

--with-Coin is the old visualization that existed in OpenModelica. It has been replaced by the more powerful (and standardized) ModelicaServices API (although OpenModelica doesn't ship with any of the libraries that do provide graphical support).

SendData has been replaced by OMPlot (formerly plot3, now renamed to plot to keep the old functionality). OMNotebook no longer supports inline graphs and visualization as it used to.

None of these configuration options was actively maintained. In Linux, OMNotebook couldn't use the inline graphing and on Windows we were unable to compile with Coin3D.

Re: new configure options?

Thanks, works! the new plot window is amazing current/smile

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