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Error using MultiBody.Joints.Prismatic
Error using MultiBody.Joints.Prismatic
I want to model a (Coulomb) friction force on the translation of BodyBox components (from the MultiBody library). I want to do this by attaching the frames of the BodyBox components to Fixed components, via two Prismatic joints (the movement is two dimensional). Consequently I want to attach a SupportFriction component to the flanges of the Prismatic joints.
However, I get the error message that the model is singular. Can anyone explain why?
As an example, please consider the following code for a simple pendulum that incorporates the above mentioned construction and results in the error when simulated in OMEdit 1.7.0 (without the Prismatic joints, Fixed and SupportFriction it runs without problems):
model pendulum
inner Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.World world;
Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Joints.Revolute revolute1(useAxisFlange = false, n = {0,0,1});
Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.BodyBox element1(r_0(start = {0,0,0}, fixed = true), r = {1,0,0}, width = 0.1);
Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.Fixed fixed(r = {1,0,0});
Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Joints.Prismatic prismaticX(useAxisFlange = false, n = {1,0,0}, stateSelect = StateSelect.always, v(fixed = true), s(fixed = true, start = 0));
Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Joints.Prismatic prismaticY(useAxisFlange = true, n = {0,1,0}, stateSelect = StateSelect.always, v(fixed = true), s(fixed = true, start = 0));
Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Components.SupportFriction frictionForce(useSupport = false);
connect(world.frame_b, revolute1.frame_a);
connect(revolute1.frame_b, element1.frame_a);
connect(fixed.frame_b, prismaticX.frame_a);
connect(prismaticX.frame_b, prismaticY.frame_a);
connect(prismaticY.frame_b, element1.frame_b);
connect(prismaticY.axis, frictionForce.flange_a);
connect(prismaticY.support, frictionForce.flange_b);
end pendulum;
Kind regards,
Re: Error using MultiBody.Joints.Prismatic
OpenModelica says:
[/home/marsj/dev/trunk/build/lib/omlibrary/Modelica 3.1/Mechanics/MultiBody/Joints.mo:331:7-331:60:writable] Error: Model is structurally singular, error found sorting equations revolute1.R_rel.T[2,3] = revolute1.e[2] * revolute1.e[3] + cos(revolute1.phi) * ((-revolute1.e[2]) * revolute1.e[3]) - (-sin(revolute1.phi)) * revolute1.e[1];
revolute1.R_rel.T[2,2] = revolute1.e[2] * revolute1.e[2] + cos(revolute1.phi) * (1.0 - revolute1.e[2] * revolute1.e[2]);
revolute1.R_rel.T[1,3] = revolute1.e[1] * revolute1.e[3] + cos(revolute1.phi) * ((-revolute1.e[1]) * revolute1.e[3]) - sin(revolute1.phi) * revolute1.e[2];
revolute1.R_rel.T[1,1] = revolute1.e[1] * revolute1.e[1] + cos(revolute1.phi) * (1.0 - revolute1.e[1] * revolute1.e[1]);
0.0 = atan2(-revolute1.R_rel.T[1,3],revolute1.R_rel.T[2,2]);
0.0 = atan2(revolute1.R_rel.T[2,3],revolute1.R_rel.T[1,1]);
for variables revolute1.phi(17), revolute1.R_rel.T[2,3](13), revolute1.R_rel.T[2,2](12), revolute1.R_rel.T[1,3](10), revolute1.R_rel.T[1,1](8),
Dymola 7.4 demo says:
The model includes the following hints:
All Forces cannot be uniquely calculated.
The reason could be that the mechanism contains
a planar loop or that joints constrain the
same motion. For planar loops, use for one
revolute joint per loop the joint
Joints.RevolutePlanarLoopConstraint instead of
How it came to that conclusion I have no idea.
- sjoelund.se
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