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Simulate command has error

Simulate command has error

Hi, I'm a newbie .

when i try to use the command "simulate"  , it  show any error .Please give me a solution . Thanks

Error notice is :

record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "Simulation failed.
Error: Error building simulator. Buildlog: command g++ not found. Check $OPENMODELICAHOME
Error: Error building simulator. Buildlog: command "C:\OpenModelica1.5.0\/bin/Compile" not found. Check $OPENMODELICAHOME
end SimulationResult;

Re: Simulate command has error

Sorry , i have found the solution . So i am very eager to post the question , i do not know how to delete my post .

Can the moderator delete it for me ? thanks !

Re: Simulate command has error


Would be very good to post the solution you found so people
that run into the same problem can get some guidance.

Adrian Pop/

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