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Full implementation of enumeration type in OM - when?

Full implementation of enumeration type in OM - when?


As of RC3 the enumeration implementation in OM is quite rudimentary yet. It's not possible to use enumerations in headers of for-loops, and I also noticed problems when indexing arrays with enumerations. Furthermore the function String(enum.element) is not yet implemented while Integer(enum.element) already works fine in the recently released RC3.

Which priority has the full implementation of the enumeration type in the OM project?


Re: Full implementation of enumeration type in OM - when?


We implemented mostly what is needed to flatten the libraries.
We'll get to it after we are able to flatten MSL 3.x MultiBody and Media libraries which are on highest priority right now.
MultiBody is almost ready and Media is on the way.

Adrian Pop/

Re: Full implementation of enumeration type in OM - when?

Hi Adrian,
could you give a foreseen timing for the support of Media in OM?  I'm trying to simulate HVAC systems and currently I can't use any of the standard library components or the LBNL Building library as they all are based on Media.


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