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Compiled omedit but OMEdit.exe is not generated

Compiled omedit but OMEdit.exe is not generated

I have compied omc.exe with mingw64,but when I use 'make -f Makefile.omdev.mingw -j8 omedit' to complie OMEdit, the OMEdit.exe is not generated.

Re: Compiled omedit but OMEdit.exe is not generated

We need more information. Compilation log etc.


Re: Compiled omedit but OMEdit.exe is not generated

Thank you.The problem has been solved.I tried QT to compile omedit, but it didn't seem to work. Now you can only use QT creator to modify the code, and then use "make - F makefile.omdev.mingw - J8 omedit" to compile. How to configure environment and tool chain in QT creator? Do you have any suggestions or relevant reference documents? Thanks again.

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