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How to connect HeapumData Buildings lib. example?

How to connect HeapumData Buildings lib. example?

I am trying to intergrate the ScrollWaterToWater heatpump component in my model from the Buildings v8.0.1. lib.(Buildings=>Fluid=>Heatpumps=>ScrollWaterToWater)

To get an understanding of its usage I first tried duplicating the ScrollWaterToWater_OneRoomRadiator example, where this component is being used. Though when duplicating this model into my own package it seems to copy everything except the ScrollWatertoWater heatpump, thus I added that later identical to the example.

  ScrollWaterToWater heaPum(
    redeclare package Medium1 = MediumW,
    redeclare package Medium2 = MediumW,
    redeclare package ref = Buildings.Media.Refrigerants.R410A,
    "Heat pump"

This give me the following error:
Function Data.ScrollWaterToWater.Heating.Daikin_WRA072_24kW_4_30COP_R410A not found in scope model.

I thought this might be the case because the package is located in the buildings lib and not in my own package. Therefore I added the files to my package and reverenced them again in this new location. Though I now get the error that I have more variables than equations.

How should I properly add the data to the Heatpump? And why do I get the first error?

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