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OMShell does not find OPENMODELICAHOME env. variable

OMShell does not find OPENMODELICAHOME env. variable

I'm using OpenModelica on a MAC. OSX 1.6.7.

OpenModelica devel-8719 and 9308  both say as i start OMShell that OPENMODELICAHOME env. variable is missing.

When i give the command env i see that the variable exists. Below the text from the terminal


What am i doing wrong?

Re: OMShell does not find OPENMODELICAHOME env. variable

Your OPENMODELICAHOME should either be unset or be /opt/openmodelica (not bin/)

Re: OMShell does not find OPENMODELICAHOME env. variable

Thanks sjoelund, for the quick response, it solved the problem!

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