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How could I put OpenModelica on Linux Docker Container?

How could I put OpenModelica on Linux Docker Container?

I wanted to Put OpenModelica on a Linux Docker container configured so that it will send out data on the Internet through a socket.
This container will run on Linux.

anybody know how could I do that?

Re: How could I put OpenModelica on Linux Docker Container?

Re: How could I put OpenModelica on Linux Docker Container?

thanks for your reply but I don't understand it well.
could you explain more plz?

Re: How could I put OpenModelica on Linux Docker Container?

The link is to a discussion of an OpenModelica docker container.  You should be able to just run that container.  Or, if you can look at the code to build it, and modify it for your own use. 
I'm not sure what else you don't understand about it? 

Re: How could I put OpenModelica on Linux Docker Container?

another question:

I have another container with restful API(with python) and want to connect to this container(which has openmodelica) and then run my sample and return the CSV file to the first container, how could I do that?

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