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OMEdit 1.7.0 doesn't work

OMEdit 1.7.0 doesn't work


I am trying OMEdit 1.7.0.
It doesn't work.
If I start it, the icons of the modelica components are all sqares of one colour, e.g. blue, green or red.

I try to follow OpenModelicaUsersGuide.pdf, page 30.
I can create a new model.

If I add the GND component from Modelica.Analog.Electrical.Basic, than the whole Model becames blue
(I can see nothing else than the constant blue color, no drawings or details or anything).

The modelica text view seems to be OK:


model DCMotor
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground1 annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-26.5,-20.5}, extent = {{-15,-15},{15,15}}, rotation = 0)));
end DCMotor;

Any idea, what is going wrong here?

I am using Ubuntu 32 bit, version 10.10 and the OpenModelica debian package.

Best regards:

Uwe Fechner

Re: OMEdit 1.7.0 doesn't work

Ok, in another tread it was mentioned, that OMEdit works on Ubuntu 11.04, but not on Ubuntu 10.10.
I tried this, and the color/ icon problem is gone on Ubuntu 11.04. But the simulation crashes for other
Will this problem (OMEdit on Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't work) be fixed?
Is there a bug-tracker?

Is there a workaround, e.g. compiling from source or linking a different qt library version?
I just added the following lines to the file sources.list:


deb nightly contrib
deb-src nightly contrib

and no I can compile the sources. Let's see, if this works better.


Uwe Fechner

Re: OMEdit 1.7.0 doesn't work

Ok, I compiled the packages from the source, but the problem is the same:
No icons in the modelica library, if I draw an element to a model, all you see
is a model-sheet with constant color.

I will try to file a bug report.


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