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OMI Interactive – changevalue

OMI Interactive – changevalue

I'm testing the OpenModelica Interactive with the example client and with my own client. If I use the command
" changevalue#seq#Tn#par1=0.03#end",
I have the following problem:
e.g: If I change the value at Tn = 50,
in the next result message from OMI to GUI Tn will jump to Tn=70 and
in the next step the simulation time will either return to Tn = 50
or sometimes it also returns to a time < 50 ( e.g. Tn=35). Then the simulation continues.
For my purpose OMI should change the value at the time I tell him and it should continue at that time. The simulation time shouldn't jump forward or backward., because if the simulation continues with the new value at the wrong time the results will be false.
Does anybody know why this happens?
Is there any possibility to avoid this?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

Re: OMI Interactive – changevalue


Please use the bug report facilities. This sounds like a bug.


Re: OMI Interactive – changevalue

Hi Lisa, this bug has been solved since version 1.7.0 v9222

Best Regards,
Parham Vasaiely

Re: OMI Interactive – changevalue


Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,

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